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Camelsdale Primary

A Flying Start to a Learning Life

School Uniform

Children are encouraged to be neatly and appropriately dressed.

The school colours are grey and royal blue.

School Uniform:

  • White shirt or blouse - long or short sleeve - or royal blue polo shirt either branded or non-branded
  • Trousers: grey, long or short
  • Skirt/pinafore: grey and knee-length
  • Tights or socks: plain grey, black or white
  • Cardigan/sweatshirt: royal blue with school logo preferred but not essential*
  • Summer dress: blue/white checks/stripes - optional.
  • Sensible outdoor shoes: black (no trainers or fashionable open-toed sandals/shoes)

P.E. Kit:

  • P.E. shirt: royal blue T-shirt (school logo preferred)*
  • Shorts: black*
  • Jogging Bottoms: black – for outdoor sport*
  • Hooded PE Top: Royal Blue (school logo preferred)*
  • Plimsolls/trainers: white/black – for outdoor sport; bare feet are used for gym/dance in the hall*
  • Swimming shorts/one piece costume for Juniors Year 3-5 (Autumn & Spring terms)
  • Swim Cap: colour of your house preferred.
  • P.E. Bag: any colour*


  • Reading Folder: house colour*
  • Summer Cap: house colour*
  • Cagoule: royal blue - optional
  • School Winter hat: royal blue - optional*
  • Waterproof coat with hood: any colour - essential
  • Wellington boots: any colour - essential
  • Waterproof coat and trousers: Reception children only / wild school activities for older pupils.

* available to buy online from Taylor Made Uniforms here. A link to their buying guide can be find here.

The school operates a second hand uniform shop with the assistance of our PTA - please email our PTA if you would like to look through items currently available.

All uniform and kit must be clearly named.

In Year 3, 4, 5 and 6, pupils need a school bag of a sensible size that will fit in their locker cupboard.

Please note we do not allow:

  • Nail varnish
  • Makeup
  • Body transfers/tattoos
  • Jewellery, eg: dangly earrings, rings, neckchains, nose studs, badges, bangles or bands etc
  • Toys/Nintendos

Watches are allowed but the children should be able to remove them themselves for P.E.  It is not the responsibility of the class teacher to remove earrings of individuals. Parents/pupils must take responsibility for removing their own earrings as good practice prior to the activities.

Hair that is longer than shoulder length must be tied up.  Only royal blue/grey hair accessories are allowed.

Only Year 6 pupils may bring a mobile phone to school as they are allowed to walk to and from school by themselves (Written permission for this is needed). Mobile phones have to be switched off and left in bags during the school day.