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Camelsdale Primary

A Flying Start to a Learning Life

School Closure

School closure procedures

If the school has to close due to burst pipes, severe weather, etc. the following take place:

  • A board is put up outside school to inform parents.
  • The local county radio is informed – check SPIRIT FM.
  • A message is left on the school answer phone.
  • A message is posted on our Facebook page and a tweet on Twitter.
  • We will inform West Sussex and they will post on their website.
  • Parents are sent a text via Bromcom.
  • If children arrive at school efforts will be made for them to go home. If no emergency contacts can be made the children will remain in school under the care of whichever member of staff or governor is present.
  • When school reopens the above procedure operates again.
  • If we have to close the school during the day, children will be sent home by telephoning/texting emergency contact numbers. The children of those parents we cannot contact will remain in school until 3.30pm.
  • This policy needs to be read in conjunction with our Emergency Plan.