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Camelsdale Primary

A Flying Start to a Learning Life

Other Ways To Support

Partner Support Image

Camelsdale is a school which loves books and reading as we nurture tomorrow’s grown-ups to be lovers of books and reading too!

Here is a good way of choosing and buying books for children and the school will benefit too!

We like the way it recommends books as well as the fact you can listen in to authors and choose books in certain genres.

Do have a look and try it out if you can: https://www.lovereading4kids.co.uk/

Don't Have Time But Want To Help?

There are lots of ways to help our school without actually having to give time.


www.yourschoollottery.co.uk - Try your chances at winning £25,000 every week and raise money for the PTA.

www.easyfundraising.org.uk - Sign up to easyfundraising and a donation will be made to Camelsdale PTA each time you order online from any of their participating companies.



www.easy2name.com - Never lose another school jumper again and raise money for the PTA by ordering your name tags from easy2name if you include the code "FR-CAMELSDALESCHOOL-73" at the checkout.

www.thelocalvegboxpeople.uk - The Local Veg Box People will give us 10% of your order if you put 'Camelsdale PTA' in the "Anything we should know?" box when you check out.

Employer Match Funding Scheme

Many companies offer match funding schemes through their HR or CSR departments. Match funding allows employees to boost their donations because their employer agrees to match the funds the employee grants to the organisation (ie the school). Please would you consider checking with your company to see if they operate a Match Funding Scheme and then let the office know on office@camelsdale.w-sussex.sch.uk and then the school can liaise to gain this benefit.

Supporting Letter From Our Head Teacher