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Camelsdale Primary

A Flying Start to a Learning Life

Enrichment Programme

Our school has access to a wide range of enrichment opportunities for all our talented children.

This includes taking part in The Rother Valley Enrichment Programme—a selection of enrichment courses available each term.

We also take part in enrichment workshops led by other schools e.g. Woolmer Hill’s Mathematics Competition, Bohunt school’s  Master Classes and private schools in the area who host  special interest events. We try to send children to these sessions who show particular talent in / aptitude for the chosen focus.   

We constantly look for other opportunities in the local area to inspire, enrich, and challenge our talented youngsters, for example, taking part in sport tournaments, music days, and local and national competitions.

The children also benefit from a wide range of extra -curricular clubs and peripatetic staff. Being part of Sports Haslemere means we can encourage children who show skill in a particular sport to attend the community clubs in the area e.g. hockey/ rugby to Haslemere Hockey and Rugby Clubs. It is at these community clubs, children can be further developed and move on to county/ national levels.

The school keeps a register of its talented children, which is reviewed by staff each year. This enables everyone to keep an eye out for enrichment opportunities as well as to make sure the children are challenged in the classroom day by day.