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Camelsdale Primary

A Flying Start to a Learning Life

The Camelsdale Way

...is like the journey of a river - a learning journey that grows. It is a journey of exploration and fun along the way, which everyone follows their own path. There are many tributaries and everyone contributes to them. The learning journey is a connected one - a learning cycle that never ends. It dries up if it is not nurtured daily. Everyone on the journey eventually finds their own level. The journey can be tough at times - everyone has to work together through the rough parts - it certainly requires team work. The journey grows from very small beginnings collecting fascinating things along the way. With nourishment, it becomes fulfilled and meanders confidently into the wide expanse of the unknown ocean of life.


School Motto Graphic

We will work together to produce...

  • Focused Learners
  • Independent & Team Player Learners
  • Responsible Learners
  • Resilient Learners
  • Fit & Healthy Learners
  • Respectful Learners
  • Caring Learners
  • Creative Learners

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Welcome from the Head

Hello everyone and welcome to Camelsdale Primary School!

Camelsdale Primary School is the oldest County Council School in West Sussex built in 1904 and, as its Headteacher, I have the privilege of working with staff, parents, children, governors and other members of the community to lead our very good and special school forward towards outstanding.

What will strike you about Camelsdale is our caring, friendly, family feel environment focussed on exciting learning and set in beautiful grounds. Our focus is on providing that Flying Start to a Learning Life for your children.

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Welcome to our School

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